真中有假,假中有真,虛實互變,擾亂敵人,使敵人判斷失誤。 盤口特點:莊家採用「反向開盤」,即相對歐亞其他莊家,澳門博彩開出的盤口讓球方向與之相反,而在受注後又再恢復為正常方向的讓球盤,以擾亂投注者思維。 經典戰例:波鴻1:0勒沃庫森
- 初盤:波鴻1.05平半勒沃庫森0.80
- 受注盤:波鴻0.90受平半勒沃庫森0.95
- 終盤:波鴻0.85受平半勒沃庫森1.00
勒沃庫森此前狀態奇佳,復興之勢已是不可阻擋,波鴻則是狀態低迷,本場比賽前居然未嘗一勝,因此投注者看好客隊不足為奇。 但在印尼盤支持勒沃庫森客場平半時,澳門卻別出心裁地開出了明顯處於下風的波鴻讓平半的怪異盤口,受注後又立即更改為勒沃庫森讓平半的正常盤口。 其實莊家本意正是如初盤一般看好波鴻,但由於受注後變盤,投注者誤以為莊家初期開錯盤,現在調整以避免損失,從而追捧勒沃庫森,結果波鴻果然在主場取得首勝。 相似戰例:錫耶納1:2切沃 通博 運彩 方法 心態 經驗 體育 技巧 知識 娛樂城
多計並用,計計相連,環環相扣,一計累敵,一計攻敵。 盤口特點:莊家先開出深盤令投注者對上盤充滿信心,受注後再降盤為下注上盤提供便利。 經典戰例:波鴻3:0多特蒙德
- 初盤:波鴻0.90受一球多特蒙德0.95
- 受注盤:波鴻1.05平手多特蒙德0.80
- 終盤:波鴻0.80受平半多特蒙德1.05
這是一個十分「蠱惑」的盤口。 儘管多特蒙德連戰連捷,但該隊客場成績一向不佳,而波鴻近況不俗,因此薩默爾的球隊其實並沒有必勝把握。 印尼盤也僅支持客隊讓平半,與之相比,澳門的一球盤明顯偏大,此舉只能給投注者造成多特蒙德穩勝的印象。但此時多特蒙德仍無法成為大熱,因為一球盤的贏盤難度著實不小,因此在受注後莊家又再降盤為平手,而投注者在盤口恢復為正常後認定上盤有利可圖,由此瘋狂追捧多特蒙德,最終波鴻以三球痛擊對手,在延續己隊不敗的同時,也終結了客隊的連勝勢頭。 相似戰例:AC米蘭1:2烏迪內斯 Seventh plan: make something out of nothing There are false in the truth, and the truth in the false. The false and the reality change each other, disturbing the enemy and causing the enemy to make mistakes in judgment. To Handicap characteristics: The dealer adopts a “reverse opening”, that is, compared to other European and Asian dealers, the Macau Lottery opens the handicap in the opposite direction, and then returns to the normal handicap after receiving a bet to disrupt Bettors think. To Classic battle example: Bochum 1: 0 Leverkusen First round: Bochum 1.05 and Leverkusen 0.80Acceptance plate: Bochum 0.90 is tied and half Leverkusen 0.95Final set: Bochum 0.85 is tied and half Leverkusen 1.00 Parsing Leverkusen was in excellent condition before, and the trend of revival was unstoppable. Bochum was in a sluggish state. He did not win the game before this game, so it is not surprising that bettors are optimistic about the visiting team. However, when the Indonesian game supported Leverkusen in the away game, Macau ingeniously opened the bizarre handicap of Bochum, which was obviously at a disadvantage. After receiving the bet, it immediately changed to Leverkusen. Normal handicap. In fact, the bookmaker’s intention was to be optimistic about Bochum as it was at the beginning of the game, but because the betting changed after receiving the bet, the bettors mistakenly believed that the bookmaker made the wrong order at the beginning, and now adjusted to avoid losses, thus chasing Leverkusen. As a result, Bochum won the home game Win. Similar battle example: Siena 1: 2 Chievo
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