暫時放鬆一步,使敵人喪失警惕,我方再伺機而動。 盤口特點:莊家故意開出淺盤,預留有升盤空間,受注後再升為正常盤口,令投注者誤以為上盤穩勝。 經典戰例:沙爾克04 2:0拜仁
- 初盤:沙爾克04 1.025受平半拜仁0.825
- 受注盤:沙爾克04 1.05受平半拜仁0.80
- 終盤:沙爾克04 0.825受半球拜仁1.025
雖然沙爾克04一直是德甲中幾支令拜仁感到頭疼的球隊之一,但該隊本賽季的表現一落千丈,而拜仁則始終排在上游。因此歐亞絕大部分博彩公司均看好拜仁有資格在客場讓至讓半球,不過澳門方面卻只為其開出讓平半的偏淺盤口。 此舉顯然是為了受注後升盤留有空間:受注後也的確升為半球盤,既作出了看好拜仁的假象,又令一部分原本心存疑慮的投注者在盤口恢復正常後失去戒心,從而將籌碼全部引往上盤,最終沙爾克04在主場完勝德甲霸主。 相似戰例:科隆1:0多特蒙德
用類似事物去迷惑、欺騙敵人,使其進入圈套。 盤口特點:莊家連續為兩場比賽開出同一初盤,但卻採用不同手法,而兩場比賽由於在受注後變化不同,最終結果也完全相反。 經典戰例:南安普敦0:2曼城
- 初盤:南安普敦0.95平半曼城0.90
- 受注盤:南安普敦0.975平半曼城0.875
- 終盤:南安普敦0.975平半曼城0.875
這是一個絕無半點蹊蹺的盤口,兩隊實力相當,但「聖徒」有主場之利,讓平半應為正常的實力盤。 但值得注意的是,此盤口以往較少在英超出現,而就在本場比賽前,澳門方面剛剛為上周南安普敦主場迎戰布萊克本的比賽開出同一初盤,而那場比賽最終是南安普敦主場全取3分,依據心理慣性,投注者難免會認為本場仍將是「聖徒」們的天下。 但澳門操盤手卻在本場比賽中改變了手法,上一場受注後上盤水位降低,本場比賽則是在受注後將上盤水位升高,不同的變化決定了不同的結果,本場比賽南安普敦在主場3分盡失。 相似戰例:熱刺0:1查爾頓 通博 運彩 方法 心態 經驗 體育 技巧 知識 娛樂城[/caption]
使敵人對於某些事情習見不疑而不自覺地松懈,我方得以掩蓋軍事行動。 盤口特點:莊家為被看好一方開出中規中矩的盤口,令投注者不疑有詐,再緩慢升盤造成上盤大熱的假象。 經典戰例:曼城0:3萊切斯特
- 初盤:曼城1.025一球萊切斯特0.825
- 受注盤:曼城0.95一球萊切斯特0.90
- 終盤:曼城1.05一球/球半萊切斯特0.80
曼城由於得到眾多實力派球員加盟,戰鬥力大幅度提升,而本場比賽前又剛在客場擊敗實力不俗的南安普敦,聲勢更盛。 萊切斯特則是積弱不振,雖然此前*擊敗同樣境遇不佳的難兄難弟布萊克本而終止連敗勢頭,但「狐狸」的客場發揮從來不值得信賴,此戰前在客場竟然1分未得。 因此歐亞博彩一律支持主隊讓一球,澳門方面也開出了正常的盤口,受注後也保持不變,為投注者造成上盤極為穩健的假象,其後又升盤為一球/球半,愈發讓投注者看好曼城,從而放心追捧,而萊切斯特則意外取得客場首勝。 相似戰例:查爾頓3:2利物浦 The fourth tactic: want to get caught
Take a moment to relax and make the enemy lose his vigilance, and we will wait for the opportunity to move. To Handicap characteristics: The dealer deliberately opens a shallow market and reserves room for advancement. After receiving a bet, it will be promoted to a normal handicap, making bettors mistakenly believe that the last market will win. To Classic battle example: Schalke 04 2: 0 Bayern
Early round: Schalke 04 1.025 tied for half Bayern 0.825
Acceptance plate: Schalke 04 1.05 tied for half Bayern 0.80
Final set: Schalke 04 0.825 by the hemisphere Bayern 1.025
Although Schalke 04 has always been one of the several teams in the Bundesliga that have caused Bayern’s headaches, the team’s performance this season has plummeted, and Bayern has always been in the upper reaches. Therefore, most gaming companies in Europe and Asia are optimistic that Bayern is eligible to handicap the hemisphere in the away game, but Macau only opened a shallow handicap for it.
Obviously, this move is to leave room for the promotion after receiving the bet: it was indeed promoted to the hemisphere after receiving the bet, which not only made the illusion of being optimistic about Bayern, but also caused some originally suspicious bettors to lose their guard after the market returned to normal. All the chips were brought to the top plate, and Schalke 04 finally defeated the Bundesliga overlord at home. To
Similar battle example: Cologne 1: 0 Dortmund
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