通博|運彩分析:歐賠和亞盤 (上)
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如果主隊區間2.50以上 則和局3.00-3.20 客勝 2.50-2.80
如果主隊區間2.00-2.50 則和局3.00-3.20 客勝 2.60-3.50
如果主隊區間1.75-2.00 則和局3.00-3.50客勝 3.50-4.50
如果主隊區間1.50-1.75 則和局3.20-4.00 客勝 3.80-6.50
如果主隊區間1.30-1.50 則和局3.50-5.50 客勝 5.00-7.50
如果主隊區間1.15-1.30 則和局4.00-6.00 客勝 6.50-12.00
如果主隊區間1.15以下 則和局4.50-6.00 客勝10.00以上
Lucky odds: Euro I have seen many people’s explanations and understandings of Eurocompensation on the Internet and forums. To be honest, I firmly disagree with it! Although Europax theoretically reflects the expectation of the probability of the outcome of the game, in fact, Europax has nothing to do with probability. The meaning of the real Europax is the gambling company’s digital description of the final actual result, that is to say. , Euro Compensation contains the final result, if you understand it. To understand Europax, we must first understand Europax. As far as Europax is concerned, it is itself a digital system, that is to say, it is a fixed combination model. The betting company is based on the fixed model based on the actual situation of the two parties in the specific game or their own grasp of the results. Appropriate changes and adjustments are made to finally form an acceptable betting odds.
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