通博-booongo Slots
GAME Play for fun免費試玩-快樂鳥-booongo-Slots
Booongo新推出的遊戲「快樂鳥」,將讓您彷彿置身於熱帶叢林中,面對各式各樣奇異的鳥種以及特殊的植物,是否已激起您野外探險的慾望了呢?請趕緊戴上裝備,加入我們的野外探險隊吧! 因為這款遊戲的主角–獨特艷麗的鸚鵡,正準備將超級大禮送給發現牠們的探險家們! 這片熱帶風情的雨林將狂熱地令您眩目,尤其軸線上出現的托哥巨嘴鳥將為您帶來更多的獎金。如果您夠幸運,蒐集到三顆金蛋,我們將為您獻上10次免費轉盤。玩家們,這可不只是尋常的免費遊戲而已,為了讓身經百戰的您有更多新奇體驗,在這款遊戲的免費轉盤中,叢林的秘密將在您面前呈現–15顆金蛋的豐饒寶藏。在免費轉盤中,若您特牛逼,瘋狂獲取金蛋,並將整個遊戲都填滿15顆金燦燦的神秘蛋,您將獲得所有累積獎池內的巨額獎金! 看到這裡,是不是覺得渾身熱血沸騰,躍躍欲試了呢?請加入我們,「快樂鳥」將引領您進入Booongo式熱帶雨林,在鸚鵡們的熱烈歡迎下,您將帶著滿滿的財富回家!
15 Golden Eggs
New game from Booongo “15 Golden Eggs” places you into a jungle full of exotic birds, melodic trills and wild plants. Main characters of the game are bizarre and colorful Parrots giving out winnings to all who found themselves in this fancy slot.Players can easily get lost in tropics among their spins which surely fill player’s balance if the Toco Toucan appears on the reels. But if you are lucky enough to catch the Golden Egg on a game field – you are guaranteed a series of 10 Free Spins! And this is a time when the jungle opens all hidden secrets, because collecting 15 Golden Eggs inevitably awards you with a crazy money Jackpot! So get ready to dive into the Booongo tropical forest with plenty of parrots, riches and awards in this new video slot “15 Golden Eggs”!
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