通博-booongo Slots

免費試玩-維京: 神靈黃金-booongo-Slots
維京: 神靈黃金
「維京: 神靈黃金」- 由Booongo所帶來一款擁有歡樂鮮明的主題及令人讚嘆的機制的一款新型老虎機,古怪的維京人搜刮了斯堪的納維亞所有的金銀財寶作為獎賞等著您來與他們一起對抗邪惡的火龍!快拾起雷神的錘子並在他的祝福下闖過重重難關,超級大獎以及維京眾神的財富將都會屬於您的!
Vikings Gods Gold
The Chinese legend says that many years ago the Jade Emperor chose 12 the most beautiful animals for the Eastern Horoscope. Their colorful characters become the main ones in our new slot “12 Animals”. Spinning the Fortune Wheel you can catch Big Win and take with you a lot of Chinese gold coins!
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