通博-playngo Slots

Rabbit Hole Riches是一個3軸視頻插槽,帶有5條固定支付線。除了標準野生符號外,遊戲還包含4個HIGH-PAYING和4個QUEEN’S ARMY符號。SCATTER圖標可以出現在主遊戲和QUEEN’S ARMY FREE SPINS功能內任何符號的頂部。 3個散射圖標觸發兔子孔獎勵。獎金將選擇要通過兔子孔獎勵的免費旋轉功能。每個兔子孔都有一個關聯的功能。綠色兔子孔是TEACUP PARTY PICK BONUS功能,藍色兔子孔是CHESHIRE CAT RE-SPINS功能,黃色兔子孔是TOWER POWER FREE SPINS功能,紅色兔子孔是QUEEN’S ARMY FREE SPINS功能。 在TEACUP PARTY PICK BONUS功能中,遊戲將只獎勵1個帶有HIGH-PAYING符號的免費旋轉。完成此旋轉後,將可以選擇4個TEACUPS。選擇TEACUP將會顯示一個HIGH-PAYING符號,轉軸上該符號的每個實例將授予相關的即時獎,即總投注額的2、4、6或8倍。然後,TEACUP將顯示CONTINUE或COLLECT。CONTINUE允許進一步的選擇,COLLECT獎勵總獎金並結束功能。 在CHESHIRE CAT RE-SPINS功能中,遊戲將獎勵1個RE-SPIN,RE-SPIN是免費旋轉。CHESHIRE CAT WILD在此功能中處於活動狀態。它會出現在第一個FREE SPIN上並保證獲勝。每次獲勝旋轉都會獲得額外的RE-SPIN。當沒有形成獲勝組合時,該功能將結束。可贏得的RE-SPINS數量沒有限制。 在TOWER POWER FREE SPINS功能中,遊戲將獎勵7個FREE SPINS。紅色和白色野外野生型在此功能中處於活動狀態,代替了標準野生型。在功能開始時,玩家將選擇“紅色塔”或“白色塔”。在整個免費旋轉中,從捲軸上收集塔,每覆蓋一個符號位置+1。如果玩家選擇的TOWER在免費旋轉結束時獲得最多收益,則X2 MULTIPLIER將使從該功能獲得的獎金成倍增加。如果兩個TOWERS都平局,則重新觸發將獲得+7個免費旋轉,並且玩家再次選擇:重新觸發發生,直到玩家獲勝或失敗。如果玩家選擇的TOWER在免費旋轉結束時收集了線索,則該功能結束。免費獎品沒有限制。 在“女王的軍隊”功能中,最初的8個免費SPINS被授予;QUEEN WILD符號用於放置STANDARD WILD。此功能期間僅出現QUEEN WILD和QUEEN ARMY符號。如果免費旋轉3個SCATTER圖標,則可獲得+3個免費SPINS。每條支付線獲勝將使MULTIPLIER增加+1。乘數適用於下一個免費旋轉。這對可以贏取的免費旋轉數或乘法數沒有限制!
Rabbit Hole Riches
Rabbit Hole Riches is a 3-reel video slot, with 5 fixed paylines. The game consists of 4 HIGH-PAYING and 4 QUEEN’S ARMY symbols, in addition to a STANDARD WILD symbol. SCATTER ICONS can appear on top of any symbol within the main game and QUEEN’S ARMY FREE SPINS feature. 3 SCATTER ICONS trigger the RABBIT HOLE BONUS. The BONUS will select which FREE SPINS feature is to be awarded via a RABBIT HOLE. Each RABBIT HOLE has an associated feature. GREEN RABBIT HOLE is the TEACUP PARTY PICK BONUS feature, BLUE RABBIT HOLE is the CHESHIRE CAT RE-SPINS feature, YELLOW RABBIT HOLE is the TOWER POWER FREE SPINS feature, and RED RABBIT HOLE is the QUEEN’S ARMY FREE SPINS feature. In the TEACUP PARTY PICK BONUS feature, the game will award 1 FREE SPIN with HIGH-PAYING symbols only. After this spin is complete, 4 TEACUPS will be available to pick from. Picking a TEACUP will reveal a HIGH-PAYING symbol, each instance of the symbol on the reels will award an associated INSTANT PRIZE, either 2, 4, 6, or 8 times the total bet. The TEACUP will then display CONTINUE or COLLECT. CONTINUE allows for further picks, COLLECT rewards the total prizes and concludes the feature. In the CHESHIRE CAT RE-SPINS feature, the game will award 1 RE-SPIN, the RE-SPIN is a free spin. The CHESHIRE CAT WILD is active in this feature. It will appear on the first FREE SPIN and guarantees a win. Each winning spin will result in an additional RE-SPIN being awarded. The feature concludes when no winning combination is formed. There is no limit to the number of RE-SPINS that can be won. In the TOWER POWER FREE SPINS feature, the game will award 7 FREE SPINS. The RED and WHITE TOWER WILDS are active in this feature, replacing the STANDARD WILD. At the start of the feature the player will pick either the RED TOWER or the WHITE TOWER. Throughout the FREE SPINS collect TOWERS from the reels, +1 per symbol position covered. If the player’s chosen TOWER collects the most at the end of the FREE SPINS then a X2 MULTIPLIER will multiply the winnings from the feature. If both TOWERS draw then a re-trigger is awarded with +7 FREE SPINS and the player picks again: re-triggers occur until the player wins or loses. If the player’s chosen TOWER collects the lead at the end of the FREE SPINS then the feature concludes. There is no limit on the FREE SPINS that can be won. In the QUEEN’S ARMY feature 8 initial FREE SPINS are awarded; the QUEEN WILD symbol places the STANDARD WILD. Only QUEEN WILD and QUEEN ARMY symbols appear during this feature. +3 FREE SPINS are awarded if 3 SCATTER ICONS land on a free spin. Each payline win will increase a MULTIPLIER by +1. The MULTIPLIER applies to the next FREE SPIN. This is no limit on the FREE SPINS or MULTIPLIER that can be won!
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