通博-playngo Slots

Disco Diamonds是一個5軸視頻插槽,具有243條支付通道。捲軸1(從左到右)上相鄰捲軸上的3個或更多符號將授予獲獎組合。
如果一個或多個SPECIAL WILD符號落在任何捲軸上,則將授予一個DISCO RE-SPIN。捲軸上的所有野生動物都將轉換為特殊野生動物。單次旋轉時,特殊野生動物將保留在捲軸上;所有其他符號位置都會生成新符號。
X2乘數應用於DISCO RE-SPIN彩池。如果在重新旋轉過程中降落了其他特殊野生動物,則將獲得一個額外的DISCO RE-SPIN。對於每個
後續的DISCO RE-SPIN ,倍增器將增加+1 。一個遊戲回合中可以授予的DISCO RE-SPINS數量沒有上限。
當3個BATTUS SCATTERS降落在轉輪1、3和5上時,將觸發BONUS WHEEL加分功能。該功能將授予即時獎賞或免費旋轉獎賞。即時獎金將賭注乘以獎金輪上標明的值。即時獎賞可以是5、7、25或50。
免費旋轉功能可以以5、7、10或20免費旋轉開始。DISCO RE-SPIN功能在FREE SPINS中有效。在DISCO RE-SPIN功能中獲得的任何乘數都將轉移到同一FREE SPINS功能內的下一個DISCO RE-SPIN功能。免費的SPINS無法重新觸發。獎勵輪在DISCO RE-SPINS或FREE SPINS功能內未激活。
Disco Diamonds
Disco Diamonds is a 5-reel video slot, with 243 payways. 3 or more symbols on adjacent reels from reel 1, left-to-right, will award a winning combination.
If one or more SPECIAL WILD symbols land on any reel, a single DISCO RE-SPIN will be awarded. Any WILD(s) on the reels will convert to SPECIAL WILD(s). The SPECIAL WILD(s) will remain on the reels during the single re-spin; all other symbol positions generate new symbols.
A X2 multiplier is applied to the DISCO RE-SPIN wins. If any additional SPECIAL WILD(s) land during the re-spin, an additional DISCO RE-SPIN is awarded. The MULTIPLIER will increase by +1 for each
subsequent DISCO RE-SPIN. There is no cap to the number of DISCO RE-SPINS that can be awarded within a single game round.
The BONUS WHEEL bonus feature is triggered when 3 BONUS SCATTERS land on reels 1, 3 and 5. The feature will award an INSTANT PRIZE or a FREE SPINS feature. INSTANT PRIZES multiply the bet staked by the value stated on the BONUS WHEEL. INSTANT PRIZES can be 5, 7, 25, or 50.
The FREE SPINS feature can begin with 5, 7, 10, or 20 FREE SPINS. The DISCO RE-SPIN feature is active within the FREE SPINS. Any MULTIPLIER obtained in the DISCO RE-SPIN feature will carry over to the next DISCO RE-SPIN feature within the same FREE SPINS feature. FREE SPINS cannot be re-triggered. BONUS WHEEL is not active within DISCO RE-SPINS or FREE SPINS feature
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