通博體育 – 足球博弈最高境界
博弈中的最高境界是什麼?? 其實就是個「忍」字。
玩博界的不少初哥(包括一些老哥)喜歡均注玩多多場, 以為這樣風險小, 收益大, 其實不然, 分析其心態,
無非是認為玩他個十場八場, 到處都是俺家的田, 廣種厚收, 東邊不亮西邊亮, 過了這條村還有那間店,
假如場場皆中就發啦, 此等好事可遇不可求(雖說去年9月我曾在小兵網有過一晚十二場心水全中的記錄),
本人淺見認為此等玩波方式對閑家來說實不可取, 大家計下條數就明白啦,
以十場為計算, 莊家四勝六負還是基本上打平手, 因為總的來說低水跑出約占七到八成,
所以他最歡迎這種多場次均注玩法, 可立於不敗之地, 而作為閑家來說,
又能夠把六成勝率的狀態維持得多久呢, 嘿嘿…能夠長期保持六成以上勝率的玩家又有幾多個呢,
以我在論壇上一年多所見所聞來看, 目前為止, 僅不便兄一人而已, 多乎哉, 不多也!
普通人按一年總勝負場次各占50%計算, 到頭來輸水都輸到你哭啦, 至於輸多贏少者更不必說, 死硬!
所以, 我認為玩波要想盈利, 還是要靠長短棍, 寧玩大(並非訓身重注), 不玩多, 棍打一大片, 有姿勢,
無實際, 看准要害, 一擊即中才是上乘招式, 才算高手風範,
江湖俗語有雲: 一寸長, 一寸強, 長棍(大注)是用來真正打江山的, 一寸短, 一寸險, 短棍(小注)
就當是怡情演練, 活動活動筋骨罷了, 至於中棍(中注)當然是取其中庸之道啦,
信心高的場次就玩大些, 信心低的場次就玩小些, 狀態佳運氣好時就手狠一些,
狀態差運氣背時就收斂一些, 對於那些沒什麼肉的五五波光骨頭場次,
無把握就乾脆忍手不玩, 忍—是一種境界!
那麼, 怎樣的注碼控制才算合乎比例的長短棍法呢, 個人認為, 大注為中注的3.33倍,
為小注的10倍, 這個幅度最適合玩家的資金運作及狀態調整,
當然, 大注能否得手就看你自己的估波水準啦!
What is the highest state in the game? ? It is actually the word “forbearance”. Why is it just the word
“forbearance”? Let us find out! All games can be tried for free on Tongbo. Many featured games are in Tongbo.
Forbearance-is the highest state of gambling Many early brothers in the blogging world (including some older
brothers) like to play a lot of games at the same time, thinking that this kind of risk is small and the return is
large, but in fact it is not, analyze their mentality, It’s nothing more than thinking that playing him ten games
and eight games, there are my family’s fields everywhere, with a wide variety of crops, the east side is not bright,
the west side is bright, and there is that shop after this village, If the game is played in the game, such good
things can be met (although I had a record of 12 games in one night on Xiaobing.com last September),