通博-booongo Slots
GAME Play for fun免費試玩-嫦娥與后羿-booongo-Slots
誰說中秋月圓才能見嫦娥,Booongo特別打造的中國風遊戲,讓嫦娥與后羿攜手前來為您送上無數獎金,搭配四種彩金模式,五種遊戲機制,上百種賠付規則,超乎尋常的玩法,還有招財童子送上超級彩金大禮。另類演譯風格,絕對顛覆您對傳說的想像! 還在等什麼,若嫦娥又奔回廣寒宮,那大獎可是真的只能飛到月亮上找嫦娥領囉!
Goddess of the Moon
Ancient oriental symbols live in the Lunary Palace and bring to any lucky player the richest winnings ever in a new game “Goddess of the Moon” from Booongo Gaming! Beautiful Chinese legend about an archer Hou Yi and his wife Chang`e filled the game with interesting features and a fairy atmosphere. The immortality elixir and Free Spin series from Goddess of the Moon will help all players to climb on the pinnacle of infinite wealth. Become a hero of the thematic & exciting video slot from Booongo Gaming and save the Goddess of the Moon from her fated loneliness!
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魔龍傳奇 立即遊戲!
通博.cc 粉絲專頁 通博.cc 推特專頁 台灣博彩論壇